Frequently asked questions

Where is the church located?

We are located at 64 Reeves Road (corner of Pinnacle Road & Reeves Road) in Henrietta, NY.  We are convenient to the towns of Henrietta, West Henrietta, Rush, Scottsville, Chili and many other towns within Monroe County.


When are the services?

Our Sunday morning worship service starts at 11 a.m.


Do you have a children’s church?

Yes – our regular morning service has provision for children to be cared for and taught from the Bible.  Fun music, crafts or games are included to reinforce the lesson.   There is also a nursery for infants to be cared for while their parents attend the service.


What is the service like?

We start our services with prayer and singing hymns.  There may be special music, solos or a visit from “Melody” our resident puppet. A Bible-based message from our Pastor follows.   A time of reflection and invitation is always provided at the end of every service.


What type of ministries do you have?

We support several missionaries, serving in the United States and throughout the world.   Our church members are involved in ministries of music, puppets, ladies’ activities, and cards/letters.   We encourage believers to use their talents for the Lord!